
Showing posts from January, 2022

How to stay motivated on your goals?

Motivation is what drives us to make things happen. But staying motivated isn’t always easy. If you do get motivated and focused on your goal, you can achieve anything!  Today I will list some tips on how to become (and stay!) motivated. What are the benefits  of staying motivated? Benefits of staying motivated are: Gives you vision. Helps you overcome indecisiveness. Reduces negative influences. Helps you be more positive. Gives you strength. Brings out the best in you. How to become (and stay) motivated? Here are some ways to become (and stay) motivated: Set goals: When you set a goal, you make a decision to act in a way that will help you achieve what you want. Goals give you a direction to focus on, one that’s measurable and has an endpoint. This can help you to stay motivated. Use rewards:   Promise yourself some sort of reward each time you complete a step/task. Don’t do it alone:  Join a class, or find a teacher or someone you can share the experience with. O...

How to stay focused on your goal?

Focus is a valuable ability that can help people complete their tasks at work and promote productivity in their professional lives. Learning about strategies for concentration can help you achieve your goals and minimise distractions. In this essay, I will list a few tips for staying focused on a goal. What are the benefits of being focused? Staying committed to a central task can be greatly beneficial in the workplace. No matter the industry you work in, increasing your attention span can propel your professional success. Here are four benefits of being focused: Builds momentum Increases productivity Reduces stress Produces better quality of work How to stay focused? Below is a list of strategies you can use to stay focused:  Limit your focus: One way to improve your concentration skills is to limit the number of tasks you have to focus on. Avoiding multitasking can help you improve your ability to focus.  Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is a type of meditation that ...

How To Improve Your Communication Skills?

One of the biggest powers we humans have is   communication . It helps us put our thoughts forward and listen to others' thoughts. Having good communication skills is hard , but it is not impossible . Good communication skills will help you social, personal and professional life . Today we will take a look at some tips to improve your communication skills. How Does Good Communication Skills Help Us? Good communication skills help us by having: Improved body language. Helping you to understand others, and to be understood. More productivity. Strong decision making. How To Improve Your Communication Skills? Here are some tips to improve communication skills: Know what you are communicating. The reason many people have anxiety when speaking is because they don't know or remember what they are communicating. Before speaking, refresh your memory, while speaking, remember a full paragraph then speak. Communicate what you know will help the audience. Don't always talk about yours...

What are the impacts of soil erosion?

  Soil erosion is a problem that started approximately 4,000 years ago. It's not the biggest problem, but a powerful one. Soil abrasion is a common problem in the Amazon rainforest, first occurring in the 1960s. Fortunately it can be prevented, and this essay will help.   What is soil erosion? The removal of fertile topsoil land by wind or water is called soil erosion. Soil erosion occurs easily in those areas of land which are not covered by vegetation (trees and other plants) or have very little vegetation. The cover of vegetation softens (or reduces) the effect of heavy rains on the soil. What is the cause of soil erosion? Causes of soil attrition is:  Deforestation Without plant cover, erosion can occur and sweep the land into rivers. The agricultural plants that often replace the trees cannot hold onto the soil and many of these plants, such as coffee, cotton, palm oil, soybean and wheat, can actually worsen soil erosion. And as land loses its fertile soil, agricultu...

What is the impact of natural disasters?

Natural disasters range from climatic disasters such as droughts, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes to geological disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. The effects of natural disasters are both short-term and long-term and lead to either negative or positive consequences on the economy of a country.  Natural disasters generally affect the physical infrastructural facilities, agricultural productivity and even lead to loss of life and cause damage to property. Various factors influence the effects of a disaster on a country, among them the magnitude of the disaster, the geography of the area affected and recovery efforts directed towards reducing the immediate effects of a disaster. Failure to mitigate the short-term economic effects of a disaster affects long-term economic growth of a country. What are natural disasters? Natural disasters, also referred to as natural hazards are extreme, sudden events caused by environmental factors such as storms, floods, droughts, fi...

What is the impact of deforestation?

Deforestation is the reason for many problems and a big problem itself. It causes global warming, soil erosion, floods and climate change. While trees can solve many problems. Fellers cut the trees just to make room for houses, factories, schools and many more.  Today we will take a look at what is the impact of deforestation. What is deforestation? Desertification or deforestation is the the clearing or thinning of forests by humans. In the practice of clear-cutting , all the trees are removed from the land, which completely destroys the forest. In some cases, however, even partial logging and accidental fires thin out the trees enough to change the forest structure dramatically. What is the impact of deforestation? Some of the impacts of denuding are: Climate Imbalance and Climate Change Forests and trees store carbon. When they are degraded or completely cleared, this stored carbon has  the potential to be released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide  and con...

Importance of communication & fluency

 One of the biggest powers we humans have is   communication . It helps us put our thoughts forward and listen to others' thoughts. But with communication,   fluency   is also required. If you have fluent  speaking skills , others will be more interested in knowing our thoughts! The two skills can be life changing if used right, so it is useful to know the   importance of them . Let's take a look at the importance of communication & fluency.   What is fluency in communication? Fluency in a language means speaking easily, reasonably quickly and without having to stop and pause a lot. Communication is the most important part of speaking and it is important to communicate your ideas as naturally as possible. It takes a lot of practice and dedication to get fluent in a language, but no matter how hard it is the result is amazing. What is the importance of communication & fluency? Helping you to understand others, and to be understood Good communica...

Possible Causes and Solutions to Global Warming

We know that global warming has become a major concern in the world. First time we saw the signs was in the 1950s, but were new to this. Global warming could be the reason human civilization ends, so it's better to know the Possible Causes and Solutions to Global Warming.  What are the possible Causes to Global Warming? The main causes of climate change are: Humanity’s increased use of fossil fuels Deforestation Increasingly intensive agriculture What are the solutions to Global Warming? The solution to the problem is: Save energy at home Walk, cycle or take public transport Decrease meat and dairy in your diet  Throw away less food Reduce, reuse, repaire & recycle Switch to an electric vehicle. (To know more ways to stop global warming click here !) Conclusion: Global warming is a big problem, but to try and solve the problems is the reason we are alive! Try to not pollute the environment and try not use too much of the things that are made from fossil fuel...

What are the cons of online testing?

Coronavirus has forced students to enrol in  online classes . And with online education, online tests have also started. It is hard to adapt to this "No paper and pen" test but we have no option. O nline tests have helped us experience new things, but it has some d isadvantages. Let's take a look at some of the cons of online testing. What is an online examination? Online examination is when a student takes their exam from their home with a device. Like normal classes, that have changed to online classes, normal exams have changed into online examination! Sometimes pen and papers are used, but usually a website is used to take the test. The examination is usually divided into 2 parts subjective and objective exams.  Objective items include  multiple-choice , true-false, matching and completion. While subjective items include short-answer essay, extended-response essay, problem solving and performance test items. What are the cons of online testing? I'm sure now you al...

What are the cons of homeschooling?

Even before coronavirus many students were homeschooled. Different people have different reasons. Some people homeschool their kids because they shift a lot, some just to try and see if it's better than  p ublic  school, and many more! H ome education  is great, but like anything it has it's shares of pros and cons! Today we will take a look at the cons of  homeschooling. What is homeschooling? Like the name suggests, homeschooling (or home education) is when students learn from their house, usually by the parents. Not all parents choose to send their kids to normal schools. And lucky for them homeschooling is an option!  Homeschooling was not a common thing before covid. Recently, because schools are closed, online classes have came to save the day! Which is kind-of like  homeschooling, but not quite. What are the cons of homeschooling? Now that we know what homeschooling is, let us check out some of the cons of it. Some of t...

Impact of coronavirus on students education

No one would have guessed that a virus-like Covid-19 would come and without differentiating, it will alter the lifestyle of people. Due to Covid-19, many changes came to our world and It took some time for everyone to adopt the new normal.  The Covid-19 impact was everywhere, which resulted in the closure of Schools and other educational institutions.  Initially, most governments have decided to temporarily close the schools to reduce the impact of Covid-19. Later it was reopened for a few grades, which increased the number of infection rates and then closed again. In this essay we will talk about the i mpact of coronavirus on students education. What is the alternate to regular classes in these times? Though schools are closed, students are attending their classes through various education initiatives like online classrooms, radio programs. Though it is a good thing happening on the other side, many students are struggling to obtain the gadgets required for online classe...

How does social media affects our lives?

Social media has a huge impact on individuals and their lives. While some impacts can be positive, social media has been shown to negatively affect things like our moods and stress levels. Addiction is caused by social media too. With access to it anytime of day on our phones, it’s easy to fall into the bad habit of checking it everywhere – during a meal, in class when a professor is talking, or even in bed when it’s time to sleep! Here are a few areas where social media addiction can have a negative impact. What is social media addiction? Overusing social media can be a serious problem. Social media addiction is a psychological condition that compels someone to be overly concerned about social media, spending so much time on these platforms that it impacts other aspects of their life. If you have a social media addiction, you may feel an uncontrollable urge to log on to these sites multiple times per day. You may devote so much time and energy to post and engage with other users that ...

How does drug or alcohol abuse harm families?

Drug or alcohol abuse has become a worldwide problem in modern times. Not just adults but also teenagers below 17 are addicted to alcohol or/and drugs.  Drug or alcohol abuse might affect a persons mental and physical health, but it also has a big affect on a person family, so one should be careful and not risk there health and there family.  In this essay we will talk about how drug or alcohol abuse harm families. Why do people get   addicted to alcohol or/and drugs? People take  alcohol or/and  drugs because they want to change something about their lives .  Here are some of the reasons young people have given for taking drugs: To fit in To escape or relax To relieve boredom To seem grown up To experiment etc. They think drugs or  alcohol is  a solution. But eventually, the drugs or  alcohol  become's the problem.   It is really hard to get over something after you are addicted to it and for some people al...

Effect of coronavirus on our mental health

Effect  of coronavirus on our mental health We have been suffering from coronavirus or covid-19 for about 2 years now.  December 2019 is when it all started, many businesses suffered but the biggest thing at risk was our health and our mental health.  It is very important to take care of  physical and most importantly mental health so,  in this article we will discuss the  effect of coronavirus on our mental health. Is mental health one of the most important topics in these times, should it be? Yes,  mental health should be one of the most important topics, but unfortunately it is not.  Everyone is talking about how to stay physically healthy but very few people know that mental health is as important as physical health , which is very sad considering the fact that depression cases are up  27.6%  because of covid . What are the best ways to avoid mental illness? The best way  to...