What are the cons of online testing?

Coronavirus has forced students to enrol in online classes. And with online education, online tests have also started. It is hard to adapt to this "No paper and pen" test but we have no option. Online tests have helped us experience new things, but it has some disadvantages.

Let's take a look at some of the cons of online testing.

What is an online examination?

Online examination is when a student takes their exam from their home with a device. Like normal classes, that have changed to online classes, normal exams have changed into online examination! Sometimes pen and papers are used, but usually a website is used to take the test.

The examination is usually divided into 2 parts subjective and objective exams. Objective items include multiple-choice, true-false, matching and completion. While subjective items include short-answer essay, extended-response essay, problem solving and performance test items.

What are the cons of online testing?

I'm sure now you all are wondering what are the cons of online testing? Well, here they go:

  • Challenges in technology adoption
  • Infrastructural barriers 
  • Difficulty in grading long-answer type
  • Possibility of cheating 
  • Transitioning to open-book exams

What is the conclusion we get from this?

In these time's teaches can't see what students are doing. So, it is the students responsibility that they should honestly take the exams and classes. If you cheat in exams it will not help you, but harm you. You will start cheating in everything and the teachers will not know the things you need improvement in.


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