Importance of communication & fluency
One of the biggest powers we humans have is communication. It helps us put our thoughts forward and listen to others' thoughts. But with communication, fluency is also required. If you have fluent speaking skills, others will be more interested in knowing our thoughts! The two skills can be life changing if used right, so it is useful to know the importance of them.
Let's take a look at the importance of communication & fluency.
What is fluency in communication?
Fluency in a language means speaking easily, reasonably quickly and without having to stop and pause a lot. Communication is the most important part of speaking and it is important to communicate your ideas as naturally as possible. It takes a lot of practice and dedication to get fluent in a language, but no matter how hard it is the result is amazing.
What is the importance of communication & fluency?
- Helping you to understand others, and to be understood Good communication skills can help you put forth your thoughts, and know others thoughts. It also helps you convey how you're feeling and anything you want to share.
- When you speak people will not get bored With good fluency, people will understand what you are saying fast. It will also save time and not get boring. Communication is the basic, fluency is the next level.
What is the conclusion we get from this?
Communication and especially fluent communication is the best skill anyone can have. You might not have many skills, but if you have good and fluent communication skills it will help you a lot. But the thing is, it is very underrated. Very few people practice their communication skills. Which makes them miss on a lot. So practicing your communication skills would be great!
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