What Kind Of People Should You Be Around: 4 Tips To Change Your Life
"You're The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With" - Jim Rohn What kind of people you are with affects your life a lot. It affects the topics you think about and even the ways you react to things. Why this happens is because when you make a new friend, you try to find similarities. Now, sometimes there are similarities, sometimes there are not. So, you try to fit in by acting like them. And slowly you adapt to it, and you always act like that --even when you're not with them-- Now, if you are attached to the right person, then it's good. But, most of the time, you are attached to the wrong person, and that is where we need precaution. You want to keep your distance from them. So that's why today's topic is an interesting one! What kind of people should you include in your life? 1. People who motivate you: It is always a good idea to be with someone who motivates you. Whether they are a professional or don’t know anything about that top...