How to prevent Covid-19

These days covid has troubled us a lot. In this lockdown Parks, Malls, Schools, Offices, Colleges, etc are closed. This is a big problem as human body cant stay in a house forever and ever, This also bad as human beings don't get there fiscal activity, Then it could result to body pain or death, And if we go out we could catch covid-19 and we could die as well. But we could prevent this by doing the following:

  • Try not to go anywhere until its really important.
  • If you even go anywhere, Always were masks and cary Sanitizer, if water and soap is not available.
  • Prevent going near hospitals (Only if not required)
  • Use tissues or to sneeze (if not available near you use you T-shirt, shirt sleeves to sneeze)     
  • Never go near a person who is sick
  • If you have fever, tiredness, and dry cough contact a doctor and don't go near anyone  

Using these methods you can prevent covid-19. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!


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