
Showing posts from August, 2020

Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution is really really like really harmful. Pollution is sooooooo bad its self and now there is different types of it! Well we got ears but when we get something we should take care of it but the human beings did not understand it. Some part of the body can be donted but the ears cant be donated. So take care of it, By the way its yours only and what is yours you should take care of it. The following causes Noise Pollution- Traffic Noise. Loud Volume.  Construction. People Screaming or Lound Nosies in Crowed Places. etc. Effects of noise pollution are- Heada che. Stress. Irritation. Hearing Problems Physical Problems

The World is a family

Family is the place were you feel comfortable, loved and cared. Friend or foe, will never encourage you but a family will. If you are sick or in pain theye will also feel the same. But family is not just the once how gave birth to you. World is also a family, As this pandemic has ruined everyones life, And even if you live in a small village or a big country its a problem for you, As if one person ges effected, You can get effected to. But World family isn't really a name right is it. So it is called, Global Family. Global Family Day this year, Is celebrated on 1st January 2021.  This  Day is celebrated  as the  global day  of peace and sharing. The purpose of this  Day is  to make all the  families  gather as one single society on the first  day  of every year to welcome the New Year.

Friendship Before and after Covid-19!!

Friendship is really important and friends are too. Friend is the best thing you could get after family. Friends have some secarets in them wanna now? Ok lets see: F- Fight FOR YOU R- Respect You I- Include You E- Encourage You N- Need You D- Deserve You S- Stand By You..... ..... But this Covid did not leave the world so, How will it leave friendship? And yes, Sadly it did'nt. As Parks, Schools, Collegs etc are closed so friend could not really meat exept call. Well some friends are now acually are enemies and its sad. Well what can we do. Well in this period, which friend supports you is you real friend and he ones who dont support you is not your real friend. Before this Covid things. Friends were more active and it was fun! We could play, Dance etc,etc. Friends alway met and were happy but happiness dont stay forever and there we go this covid stared. Friendship days were fun. We use to share our food. But not now.   

How to prevent Covid-19

These days covid has troubled us a lot. In this lockdown Parks, Malls, Schools, Offices, Colleges, etc are closed. This is a big problem as human body cant stay in a house forever and ever, This also bad as human beings don't get there fiscal activity, Then it could result to body pain or death, And if we go out we could catch covid-19 and we could die as well. But we could prevent this by doing the following: Try not to go anywhere until its really important. If you even go anywhere, Always were masks and cary Sanitizer, if water and soap is not available. Prevent going near hospitals (Only if not required) Use tissues or to sneeze (if not available near you use you T-shirt, shirt sleeves to sneeze)      Never go near a person who is sick If you have fever, tiredness, and dry cough contact a doctor and don't go near anyone   Using these methods you can prevent covid-19. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!

Air Pollution

Air pollution  is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the  air . Air pollution is also called as  smog. Smog is nothing but the mix of smoke and fog. Air Pollution is really harmful and can also cause death. Some causes of Air Pollution are: Smoking. Using cars. Industries. Burning of Fossil Fuels.    Deforestation.etc. As I told before its never to late to change the world. If we humans stared it we can stop it also. All the things we have to do are: Riding a bike or walking instead of driving. Buying a car that has greater fuel efficiency. Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use. Using energy efficient light bulbs and appliances. Buying fewer things that are manufactured using fossil fuels. Now lets take a pledge- I will save and take care of my Earth. check out my youtube channel-   

Online Class: Good & Bad

These days most of the kids are depended on Online class. But there are good & bad effects of it. Before I go on to those effects tells talk a bit about online classes. Online classes is just the mix of two opposite things: Study & Technology. Well how knew in the past that technology and study would combine in the pandemic, Well sometime's strange things could happen. Online classes are useful but also have some bad effects. Some Bad Effects of Online classes: Student's   could cheat during there online exams. Online classes requires self-motivation and time management skills. Student need to see the screen for longer time and hence, damages there eye sight  It's not really possible to create a school online.  etc. Some Good Effects of Online classes: Students are learning more about technology. Students are studying and learning about technology. during this pandemic its important to study and it is happening online. Online education  cost lesser than ...

Underground Water Depletion in India

In India, Underground Water Depletion (UWD) is a very big problem. UWD is basically Underground water shortage. This seems not that important but it indeed is. As India is at the 2nd in population after China, It is important to serve every person food and water and shelter. Rich and poor, Both have shelter, Food crops are growing and people are getting food, But Water is reducing and if some how water finish we still have our underground water, But not for to long. Scientists and and satellites have estimated that in India and all around the world there is a massive amount of UWD shortage, This is sad as think, The Earth is the Only planet with Water, Fertile Soil, Right Temperatures etc. If Earth finishes then life finishes and our younger generations would not be able to see the beautiful nature. Some causes of UWD are:   drying up of wells. reduction of water in streams and lakes. worsen of water quality. increased pumping costs. etc. We can stop Underground Water Depletio...