Friendship Before and after Covid-19!!

Friendship is really important and friends are too. Friend is the best thing you could get after family. Friends have some secarets in them wanna now? Ok lets see:

F- Fight FOR YOU
R- Respect You
I- Include You
E- Encourage You
N- Need You
D- Deserve You
S- Stand By You.....

..... But this Covid did not leave the world so, How will it leave friendship? And yes, Sadly it did'nt. As Parks, Schools, Collegs etc are closed so friend could not really meat exept call. Well some friends are now acually are enemies and its sad. Well what can we do. Well in this period, which friend supports you is you real friend and he ones who dont support you is not your real friend.

Before this Covid things. Friends were more active and it was fun! We could play, Dance etc,etc. Friends alway met and were happy but happiness dont stay forever and there we go this covid stared. Friendship days were fun. We use to share our food. But not now.



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