Water And Us

Water And Us
Water is really useful, lets see how!


Water is one of the most important things for a living organism. It is even more important
than the food that we eat. Actually sometimes we need water to cook
as well, not only cook we need water to- drink, washing etc. We should drink around 8-ounce  glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon.In
adults there is around Up to 60% of the human adult body is water.Did you know? 68.7% of the freshwater on Earth is found far away in the north pole in the glacier.
Sources of fresh water
  • Rives
  • Lakes 
  • Ponds 
  • Steams 
  • Rain etc

But we have destroyed water

As always we humans have destroyed the natural things we get and we destroyed water
as well yes water pollution. It is so sad that we destroyed water as well. Water pollution is caused by-

  • Washing clothes at the banks of the rivers 
  • Human activities 
  • Duping of wastes etc.

To save water

  • While brushing we should close the tap
  • Use bucket bath's 
  • Take half a glass of the water 

 In the hole Milky Way there is one planet to have life 

We should respect our mother Earth and care for here by saving water. Please save water
our Earth is the most beautiful planet save the things that you got from Earth. We are lucky
that there is one planet in the Solar System which has life.

So sorry rivers 

We are so sorry water so so so sorry. We humans have dammed you jammed and dug holes
into you we shall be punished we still have time to save water hopefully we will be able to
save you. Save water and it will save you. I don’t about other people but I promise that I
will be a water savor not a water waster. Water we are so sorry so so so sorry. Save water, 
save water, save water.


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