Global Warming
Global Warming or climate changes is caused because of the greenhouse gases . The greenhouse gases such as water vapour, methane, carbon dioxide, etc capture the sun's light and don't let it go. The more the greenhouse gases the higher the temperature, and more problems for the living beings. The problems are: Floods Food Shortage Rise in Global Temperature Health Problems The glaciers are melting and causing floods. This indeed is causing many animals to lose there habitat and many humans to lose there loved once and there homes. Many animals are losing there habitat and there food. Because of that the animals are moving there are eating all the food available and hence there is a lose of food. Also because of the floods most of the food is destroyed and its causing problem in human life. T he r ise in global temperature is also a problem as there is hotter temperatures and no living being can survive in these temperatures. And there are higher floods, storms, and snow...